Shirasu Castle Ruins


This castle lies completely in ruins, but it has a beautiful location and an intriguing history that will appeal to those who make the effort to find it. The castle once sat high up in the range of hills that mark the center of Awaji, a little to the north of Senzan. With its commanding views over the island and neighboring waterways, and its impressive natural defenses (which still make it difficult to reach), the castle was one of Awaji’s most important strongholds during the turbulent 16th century.

In 1581, Toyotomi Hideyoshi came to Awaji on his way to attack Shikoku. The defenders holed up inside the Shirasu Castle, which was the only castle on the island to offer him serious resistance. After their defeat, Hideyoshi had the castle razed, and it has remained in ruins ever since.

Little is left of the castle – visitors can only see mounds and clearings where the buildings and defenses used to be. The location still provides for fine views, however.

Shirasu can be visited from the village of Aihara, in Goshiki. There are a few signposts leading the way up the mountain, but the roads quickly become too narrow to drive. Visitors should be prepared for some hiking. A couple of local bus routes pass through Aihara. See the Goshiki page for more details.